This is what we found. Caller — you have to help me, I don’t know what to do. I think my computer has been hacked or something. What do I do? Can you help me? Technician — Hold on there for a Moment. How do you know your computer has been...
At the second-hand shop. “Nice jacket’” you think as you snuggle into it. Comfy. Soft, well-worn, almost alive. And spookily it fits as if it had been custom-tailored for you just now. “Nice skin,” your date says, looking at you admiringly from the other side of the...
A Hawker’s Tale
Something was wrong with this place. I knew it the moment I arrived. After so many years on this job I can smell wrongness. And in most cases I also knew what was wrong. But this was different. I only had the clear knowledge of wrongness, with an intensity that...
This is the complete transcript of the raw version of an interview held in July 2014 at an unknown location. The interviewers are Chris Mackenzie (CM) of thevoiceoftruth.com.nz and Marla Dribbits (MD) of noosenetworx.com.au, two keen investigative journalists with...
Missing Days
What did they look like your five days, they would ask. And I would say, well, they were quiet and sunny and cool and would have lasted a long time. But they just disappeared. I suspect foul play, actually. They had no reason to run away or hide. They would look at me...
The Charlatan
You know how it is. I make a living as an exorcist. I know what you're gonna say. And you're right. Fake. No such thing as demonic possession or anything else that would need a genuine exorcist. And you are so right. But then again, it there were I'd be in deep shit....
Pursuit of Happiness
I am happier now. Really, I am. A lot happier. Everybody said it would be dangerous. Some said it would be suicide. That was before, when I was not so happy. Often I would be not so happy with the people I knew. They called themselves friends but what does that really...
Make it fast. Please. There are a thousand places I'd rather be. And at least a dozen I still have to go to before sunset. So, please make it fast. Money is not an object. I'm not always in a hurry. You know. Usually well organized. Getting stuff done. Actually, I...
Combed the site again this morning. This weird ocean with it's completely irregular tides deposits new stuff on the shore all the time. Yesterday we collected large sheets of what may have been festive clothes at one time, although they were not likely made for any...
Reality – Under Construction, Please Try Again!
Hello? Is this recording? OK. Then. Here we go. This is a recording of what you could call a confession. I could never ever publish any of this, or even speak about it, and live long enough to see whether anyone would actually hear, let alone believe, my tale. So,...
A Catcher’s Honor
He heard a clatter behind him. Something metallic had hit the curb side. Young, he thought, smiling. He didn't turn around. After all, he knew his trade. He prided himself in being one of the best. And he was right, as usual. A few moments after the metallic noise had...
The sky was that color that reminds you painfully of the fact that you are colorblind and will never know your love's hair true hair color, either. She sighed and wrapped up the last of her utensils. "Forget it," she said to the monkey that had suddenly appeared on...
He looked around. The landscape looked normal enough. The hills in the distance shrouded in the ever-present mist, the rice fields a sea of green in the hazy afternoon light. He took a few deep breaths, immersing himself in the peace and tranquility of the scene. The...